New Businesses

Opening Soon

Every business or profession within the Borough of West Reading is required to register the business with the Borough.

A separate registration is required for each place of business and for each business conducted at one address. You can download a copy of the business registration forms here.

Please contact the Code Department for assistance through this process.

The West Reading Borough Council recognizes the Downtown West Reading Vision and Master Plan that offers a series of planning concepts and renderings designed to inspire community members, business owners, property owners and municipal leaders to envision a renewed focus on a dynamic public realm for the downtown. The plan calls for a new plaza for community events at Sixth and Penn Avenues, new storefronts and restaurants along Reading Avenue, a new civic space at Delaney Circle and new parking areas along Tulpehocken Avenue, Cherry Street and Court Street. The plan encourages an expanded Mural Arts Walk with better wayfinding signs, lighting and traffic calming to enhance pedestrian safety. At the eastern edge of the downtown, the plan envisions opportunities for Second Avenue and Franklin Street to attract new investment to the "Chocolate District". As industrial and commercial properties evolve and redevelop and traffic patterns change, this district could attract small scale artisan production businesses, fitness studios, restaurants and apartments with enhanced views of and access to the river. As business activity increases, public and private investments to rehabilitate homes and neighborhoods should remain a key focus of the plan.