Stormwater Runoff Diagram

For those who are unsure what MS4 pertains to, this is any type of conveyance, including roads, catch basins, curbs, gutter, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains designed or used for collecting stormwater, which travels to a water supply. 

An MS4 program requires the Borough to implement a series of programs to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the storm sewer system to the maximum extent practicable in a manner that protects water quality.

West Reading is part of a coalition with the Borough of Wyomissing, Mohnton and Shillington, the City of Reading and Cumru, Brecknock and Spring Townships, all areas which contribute to the Wyomissing Creek.

MS4 is short for, “Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System”, where the word “Municipal” refers to a unit of local government like a borough or a township but may also refer to an organization responsible for the administration of a developed area. And the number 4 refers to the four words that start with the letter “S”; “Separate,” “Storm,” “Sewer,” “System.”

A separate storm sewer system is a collection of structures, including retention basins, ditches, roadside inlets, and underground pipes, designed to gather stormwater from built-up areas and discharge it, without treatment, into local streams and rivers. It’s called a separate system because it’s not connected to the sanitary sewer system, which drains wastewater from inside a home to a sewage treatment facility, or a private septic system.

Many rural developments have stormwater management structures, but only communities that the United States Census Bureau classifies as “Urbanized Areas,” or UAs, based on population density, are required to become part of the MS4 program. UAs contain plenty of commercial and residential development, which produces large amounts of stormwater runoff. Large institutions, like college campuses and hospital complexes, are also part of the MS4 program because they also contain the type of dense development that produces concentrated stormwater flows. Finally, PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission are in the MS4 program because of the many separate storm sewer systems they maintain along roads and highways.

Every Stormwater Management Program includes the same six focus areas that the Environmental Protection Agency considers essential for success, called Minimum Control Measures or “MCMs”:

  • Public Education and Outreach
  • Construction Site Erosion Control
  • Public Participation and Involvement
  • Post Construction Stormwater Management
  • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  • Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping

Working together produces better results. You can do your part to help keep local water bodies clear and clean by preventing pollutants such as fertilizer, pesticide, motor oil, paint and litter from entering the waterways that degrade water quality and damages local aquatic habitats.

For more information please visit the Center for Watershed Protection.

Be Green While Protecting Our Streams

Protecting Pennsylvania’s Waterways Starts at Home

Turfgrass has become a major component of Pennsylvania’s flora. In fact, according to DCNR, Pennsylvania now contains over 2 million acres of lawn. Selecting a proper turfgrass management program, whether it is on a private lawn, sports field, public park, or golf course, is essential to protecting our local waterways.

Know What Your Lawn Needs

When looking to apply nutrients to your lawn, make sure you are aware of what your lawn needs and what the Pennsylvania Fertilizer Law allows. To determine your lawn’s nutrient needs, it is best to first soil test. Soil tests provide specific recommendations for nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium. Following the soil test recommendations ensures that you are applying only what your lawn needs, thus reducing nutrient loss and fertilizer cost. Test kits can be purchased for a nominal fee from your local Penn State extension office.

The Pennsylvania Fertilizer Law

In July 2022, Pennsylvania adopted a new fertilizer law designed to minimize the movement of nutrients into our waterways. Anyone who applies fertilizers should be aware of the following nutrient limitations:

  • Nitrogen is limited to 0.9 pounds of total nitrogen and 0.7 pounds of available nitrogen per 1000 ft (2) per application.
  • No phosphorus can be applied unless establishing or repairing turf.
  • Both the nitrogen and phosphorus rates can be adjusted based on soil test recommendations and/or if using an enhanced efficiency fertilizer. Enhanced efficiency fertilizers are specifically designed to reduce nutrient losses to the environment while increasing availability to plants.

In addition, when applying fertilizer, applicators must follow specific environmental conditions to prevent direct movement of fertilizer nutrients into our streams.

  • Do not apply if heavy rain is expected.
  • Keep fertilizer away from drainage ditches, storm drains, or water.
  • Maintain a 15-foot buffer from the banks of all waterways.
  • Remove fertilizer that lands on impervious surfaces (i.e. driveways, sidewalks, roads) back onto the application area.
  • Do not use as a snow or ice melt.
  • Do not spread fertilizer on snow-covered or frozen ground.
  • Fertilizer application between December 15 and March 1 is restricted to 0.50 lbs. of total nitrogen per 1000 ft (2) per application.
Read the Label

Manufacturers of fertilizer products must include detailed labels that provide the nutrient content and instructions for use. As a fertilizer applicator, you are strongly encouraged to read and follow all directions and apply your fertilizer using a properly calibrated spreader.

Lawn Care Considerations

Nutrient management is not the only tool that can be used for limiting nutrient loss. There are many additional lawn care considerations that can be used to promote a healthy lawn while protecting our local waterways. A few examples are listed below.

Fertilizer may not be the solution. If your lawn is not looking as healthy and green as you would like, sometimes fertilizer is not the answer. Applying fertilizer without understanding the underlying soil can result in a waste of money and nutrients. There are many soil health factors that play a critical role in maintaining your lawn. Reducing soil compaction can improve root growth and water infiltration. Maintaining an appropriate soil pH is essential to promoting proper nutrient availability. Soil texture and organic matter content influence water movement, nutrient availability, and the microbial ecosystem of the soil. A healthy soil supports a healthy lawn.

Raise your mower deck. Set your mower deck to 3 inches or higher. A taller lawn provides shade that discourages weed growth and promotes strong root development helping lawns to withstand environmental stress. Alternatively, you can use low mow turf species, such as fine fescue blends, that do best when mowing is limited. A taller, healthier lawn slows water movement and increases infiltration keeping moisture, soil, and nutrients where they are needed most.

Mulch your grass clippings. Keeping your clippings in place returns valuable organic matter and nutrients to your lawn.

Provide a buffer. Do not mow up to the banks of streams. Maintaining vegetative buffers along waterways provides wildlife habitat while slowing and filtering water before it enters the stream.

Convert your lawn. Replacing turf with native vegetation not only increases water infiltration, but also promotes biodiversity and creates habitats for pollinators and other wildlife. For more information on Lawn Conversion visit DCNR’s website.

Working Together for Clean Water

Environmental stewardship requires teamwork. Help protect Pennsylvania’s waterways by being wise when you fertilize! For more information on the Pennsylvania Fertilizer Law, visit the Department of Agriculture’s website at

Story Time: Join Mr. Michael as he reads the children's book "A Drop Around the World". Learn about water in all different parts of the world and how water travels around the world.

A Drop Around the World