Smoke Detectors

Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives - Test Yours Every Month
Smoke Alarm Testing

Many of the homes that we visit during the year either do not have batteries in their alarms or they have no alarms at all.  Please contact the Fire Station if you have questions about smoke alarms or if you need assistance in changing your batteries. We can evaluate your home to determine the best location and how many detectors you will need.

How to test your smoke alarm:

Press and hold the test button on the smoke detector. It can take a few seconds to begin, but a loud ear-piercing siren should emanate from the smoke detector while the button is pressed. If the sound is weak or nonexistent, replace your batteries.

We have new smoke alarms for sale at a cost of $10.00 each installed, and we also have new "10-year" smoke detector batteries at a cost of $10.00. Call (610) 372-9621 for more information.